Once a year we take an offering that is above and beyond our normal tithe, so we can continue to build God’s church and expand our vision. We call it our "Kingdom Builders Offering" because we want to build the Kingdom of God here on earth. Matthew 6:10 ESV Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. If you would like to take part in our Kingdom Builders Offering when you give click the "Kingdom Builders Offering" fund and all resources go to expand our vision here at 1Name so we can build God's kingdom here on earth.
Kingdom Builders 2024-2025 season starts December 8th 2024
Ways to participate in Kingdom Builders this Season:
1) If you haven't started Tithing. Start your Tithing Journey this KB season.
2) If you already tithe, Give above your tithe towards the Kingdom Builders offering to help expand the vision of 1NAME. We will be giving our KB offering together on December 8th 2024.

847 people accepted Jesus
88 people have been Baptized
786 people have come to 1NAME for the first time.
Average Sunday Gathering Attendance has grown 23.19% from 2023 to 2024.
151 people have Attended Walk Track
$179,700.37 has been given towards our Kingdom Builders Offering.
$27,013.56 has been given towards Church Planting. Given to ARC and to 1NAME Friends & Family Churches. ARC has Planted over 1,000 Churches.
1NAME Church is ARC church Plant #918!

Look what God has done through the generosity of our Kingdom Builders in 2023-2024.
Kingdom Builders 2023/2024 Season
December 10th 2023 - December 8th 2024
$55,926.96 was given towards our Kingdom Builders Offering during the last season 2023/2024
2023-2024 Operational Overview:
$349,337.52 has been given to our General Fund (Tithes)
Monthly Operating Cost: 30k
Last Kingdom Builders Season we used the $55,926.96 that was given towards our KB Offering to expand our vision in these 3 areas:
1. Building our Outreach Ministry
2. Growing our team
3. Enlarging our territory

Look what God has done through the generosity of our Kingdom Builders in 2023-2024 to grow our Outreach Ministry.
Growth of our Outreach Ministry: Serve Days, Resources Given, Organizations Served and Missions Initiatives.
4 Serve Days
3,000 was given to put on our Serve days and resource our Outreach Partners.
6 Organizations Served
January: 8 people attended our FIRST MISSIONS TRIP to the DR.
February Bear Drive: 71 Bears given to Joe DiMaggio's Children's Hospital.
August Back to School Supply Drive: 800 school Supplies given to Nova High School.
2 Invite Outreach's Easter and Fall: 800 people invited to 1NAME Sunday Gatherings
$4,771 Given to Israel this year
150 servant Leaders have served at our Serve Days.
$6,500 given to Church Planting
Places we have served:
His House
NOVA High School
Hope for South Florida
Kids in Distress
In Jacobs Shoes
A Place in Time

Look what God has done through the generosity of our Kingdom Builders in 2023-2024 to Grow our Team:
Hired 1 contracted Staff: Kids Ministry Director.
1 of our Staff answered the Call to full Time ministry!
$44,663.87 has been spent this season to resource our staff.

Look what God has done through the generosity of our Kingdom Builders in 2023-2024 to Enlarge our Territory so we can save for a permanent Facility and our HQ space.
Put $72,242,19 into WIF savings this season.
Currently have ​​$139,800.91 in WIF Savings Account.

1. Enlarging our Territory:
Continue to save for a permanent Facility. We want to create capital for future purchase of a facility, Short term Goal: 200,000 in Savings for Building Fund. Need 60,200.09k to reach that goal.
Open 1NAME HQ. We need a place to do ministry during the week. Goal 60k to be able to rent/lease for a year.
2. Outreach/Missions:
More Serve Days, more Resources to invest into Church Planting and our Outreach partners, More Community Events, More Resources to make in impact in our Community. Continued Growth for the Outreach & Missions Initiatives (Israel, DR).
3. Team Growth:
More staff hires & more resources to support our current staff. More resources to train and EQUIP our Staff and Servant Leaders to do the ministry they are called to do.
Everything you give towards Kingdom Builders offering in 2023-2024 goes towards building these 3 areas.